DIY Essential Oil Diffuser Bracelets
Make your own all day diffuser bracelet using this easy step by step instruction tutorial. The possibilities are endless for design and scent when you make your own essential oil diffuser bracelet. Enjoy your favorite scent all day long when you make your own DIY Essential Oil Diffuser Bracelets!
DIY Essential Oil Diffuser Bracelets Materials:
● 1 mm Stretch Magic Cord
● Lava Stone Diffuser Beads
● Craft Beads for Jewelry
● Scissors
● Essential Oil
DIY Essential Oil Diffuser Bracelets Directions:
● Select the beads you want to use to make your bracelet. Choose whether or not you want the focal beads on top of your wrist to be the lava stone, or if you want the lava stone on the bottom of your wrist. This tutorial will be based on a bracelet that has the lava stone on the bottom of your wrist.
● Next you will need to measure out about 10″ – 12″ of the Stretch Magic Cord. This will ensure you have enough string to put the beads on, and tie the cord easily.
● Note: This cord will stretch out over time, so do not make it too loose or it will not fit later on.
● You will need to choose what lava stone you want to use. There are a ton of options on Amazon or Michaels and other places like Etsy and AliExpress.
● Make certain not to get polished lava stone, as it does not absorb the oils as well. You can purchase lava stone beads in a ton of different sizes, shapes, and colors. Choose what works best for you. May people like to make a multi-color strand so they have a lot of options without having to make several different strands of beads.
● Now it is time to string the beads.
● For this style of bracelet, the lava stone bead goes on first.
● Add the Craft Beads for Jewelry to either side of the lava stone. Simply string the cord through the hold in the jewelry bead.
● Note this is a symmetrical bracelet. The lava stone is the middle. Each piece of jewelry bead has an identical mate on the other side.
● Add a final lava stone bead to each end of your cord.
● Once you are finished stringing your beads, it is time to tie your bracelet.
● It is a simple tie. You will need to take both strands and put them together. Then, you will wrap them around your finger, then put both string through the hole, and pull it tight. Grab each string and tug with gentle firmness to make sure the beads are snugly fit together. A tight knot is essential.
● For the final step, once your knot is really tight you will trim the string down to about ¼” long.
● To diffuse oils, you simply place a drop of your favorite essential oil on the lava stone bead allow the essential oil to soak in to the lava stone bead
and enjoy the scent all day!
● You can switch the oil as often as every day if you want. The scent should last all day. When you switch the scent the next day, the scents will not mix.
● Remember, white lava stone will absorb the color of the oil you place on it, so some discoloration may occur.
Some essential oil suggestions:
● Lavender Essential Oil
● Grapefruit Essential Oil
● Rose Essential Oil
● Lilac Essentail Oil
● Jasmine Essential Oil
But really any favorite Essential Oil should work.
Here are some ideas for the different kinds of DIY Essential Oil Diffuser Bracelets you can make. There is no limit to the color choices, essential oil choices or bead choices!
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Robin says
GREAT idea! I love love love these – thanks for sharing on Monday Funday! ox
Ann says
Thanks, Robin. 🙂
Didi says
What an awesome project! Practical, smells good, you know; “right up my alley”! 🙂
Ann says
Betchya the girls would like this one, Didi.
Abigail Cain says
I’ve never seen anything quite like this. Especially a DIY version. I’m a huge essential oils fan. Definitely pinned for later! 🙂